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Annual Report


 We share our annual program reports to highlight the significant impact our programs and services have  had one the lives of New Brunswick residents.


Your Support Powers Life-Changing Impact in New Brunswick

Your Support Powers Life-Changing Impact in New Brunswick

The Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick exists to make a meaningful difference in the lives of New Brunswickers. This past year, we worked tirelessly to expand our programs, strengthen our partnerships, and enhance the services that support heart and brain health across the province.

Despite rising costs and economic uncertainty, the resilience of our community was inspiring. Together, we raised over $5.3 million, marking the second-highest fundraising total in our history. Events like Hockey Heroes Weekend and initiatives like our Heart Healthy Schools program demonstrated the collective power of our donors, volunteers, and participants.

Our programs delivered results where they mattered most. From training nearly 18,000 people in CPR to placing a record number of AEDs in communities, we empowered New Brunswickers with life-saving tools and knowledge. Investments in local research also continued to grow, fueling innovations that will benefit our province for years to come.

Every achievement we celebrate is rooted in the dedication of New Brunswickers. Your generosity is changing lives and building a healthier, stronger province.


Kurtis Sisk

Chief Executive Officer


Discover the Impact

 Explore inspiring stories  about  New Brunswickers whose lives have been transformed through our programs and services.






really cool


really cool


really cool

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Board of Directors

We would like to thank our our board of directors for their dedication and invaluable contributions to our mission of promoting health, saving lives, and enhancing recovery.  


Annual Report

We share our annual program reports to showcase the impact these programs are making on the lives of New Brunswickers.

A Message from the Board Chairperson 

Your Support Powers Life-Changing Impact in New Brunswick

As we wrap up another year at the Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick, I want to take a moment to celebrate the collective effort that has fueled our mission. I am filled with gratitude for the dedication and passion of our staff, volunteers, generous donors and community partners. Your unwavering support has been instrumental in achieving meaningful progress across the province.

While many organizations face challenges and contraction, our Foundation has demonstrated extraordinary resilience. Heart & Stroke NB continues to defy the odds through innovation, adaptability, and collaboration, as we reinforce our position as a leading health charity in Atlantic Canada. Milestones such as forging stronger government partnerships, launching groundbreaking fundraising initiatives, and expanding our community outreach have been critical to our ongoing success.


Our impact over the past year has been profound. From the life-saving placements of AEDs to supporting groundbreaking research led by local researchers, our grassroots initiatives reflect our deep commitment to enhancing the lives of New Brunswickers. Each success story reminds us of the vital importance of our work and fuels our determination to achieve even more.


Looking ahead to 2025, we remain steadfast in our vision. This year, we are thrilled to launch a new strategic plan that builds on our financial strength, expands our reach, and ensures our programs address the evolving needs of those affected by heart disease and stroke. Together, we are forging a future where every resident of New Brunswick can thrive.


We are also proud to celebrate our culture of excellence. For the third consecutive year, Heart & Stroke NB has been recognized among the Top 20 Best Places to Work in Atlantic Canada by Atlantic Business Magazine. This honour reflects the supportive, growth-oriented environment we’ve fostered, which is an achievement made possible by the unwavering commitment of our team and the visionary leadership of our CEO, Mr. Kurtis Sisk, who continues to inspire innovation and collaboration across all levels of our organization.

It is both an honor and a privilege to serve as Board Chairperson. With your continued support, I am confident we will build on our successes and drive transformative change across New Brunswick.

Together, we are charting a course toward a healthier, more resilient future for all New Brunswickers. Thank you for your commitment to this vital mission.

Doug Reevy

Board Chairperson

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