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Hockey Heroes Weekend

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Hockey Heroes Weekend?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis nisi in turpis dignissim semper id non justo. Cras posuere sed metus ac fermentum. Aliquam sodales viverra pretium. Vestibulum ullamcorper lacus ut sagittis elementum. Quisque semper tempus nisl molestie ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce in velit ut dolor tincidunt sodales. In volutpat, massa sed consequat gravida, neque purus molestie diam, quis elementum sapien elit in nisl. Donec dignissim aliquet gravida. Cras porttitor tincidunt diam quis luctus. Quisque fringilla eleifend orci, eget lacinia massa mollis suscipit. Morbi eu sapien nisl.

Cras ac augue ex. Vivamus placerat turpis nunc, et blandit sem vestibulum in. Nullam scelerisque massa feugiat metus suscipit, vitae porta justo posuere. In molestie sapien ut pretium convallis. Aenean vitae est et erat euismod luctus sed suscipit neque. Nulla maximus, risus eget ultrices tempor, neque quam cursus ex, nec pretium leo dui ac sapien. Curabitur non rutrum urna, ac porta felis. Donec tincidunt tempus felis nec pharetra. Nunc vitae libero a nisl congue sodales sit amet vel leo. Nam pretium condimentum egestas. Phasellus a fringilla justo. Pellentesque rutrum mollis odio mattis placerat. Quisque porttitor a magna non egestas. Vestibulum mauris nibh, tempor hendrerit dui vel, accumsan euismod diam. Nulla tincidunt leo lorem, sed interdum justo sagittis in. Integer malesuada dapibus quam.

Aenean egestas risus neque, non scelerisque lorem dapibus a. Etiam quis tempor erat. Vestibulum velit lorem, luctus at ullamcorper vitae, eleifend quis nibh. Maecenas condimentum mi lorem, a pharetra enim ornare sed. Nullam venenatis dictum hendrerit. Proin nec finibus justo. Nullam aliquam metus id nibh condimentum, eu congue diam egestas. Aenean neque velit, fringilla sit amet ligula ac, eleifend faucibus ligula. Donec varius dignissim aliquet. Suspendisse sit amet nibh non ex bibendum accumsan.

Nullam vestibulum nulla vel quam lobortis dapibus. Etiam dictum justo sem, quis facilisis leo iaculis eget. Ut consectetur luctus enim, vel lacinia ipsum eleifend vel. Ut efficitur sodales egestas. Sed turpis mauris, congue tincidunt odio in, fringilla congue tortor. Donec vel gravida ligula. Nunc lacinia lectus vitae odio tincidunt pellentesque. Sed quam nisl, consequat euismod volutpat euismod, rutrum vitae libero. In tempus ex mauris, vel gravida nulla maximus in. Fusce ultrices mi magna, nec ultrices tortor malesuada id. Fusce dapibus ante vel condimentum rhoncus. Maecenas euismod erat vitae maximus rhoncus.

Quisque ac odio est. Nulla porta, arcu quis efficitur blandit, leo orci commodo urna, nec placerat dolor mi ut nibh. Praesent a velit augue. Pellentesque mauris orci, posuere ut enim ac, dictum ultricies leo. Sed accumsan ipsum ac gravida accumsan. Sed semper maximus ipsum. Nam pharetra faucibus felis nec maximus. Fusce et neque molestie metus efficitur tempor.


About the Event

NAPA Hockey Heroes Weekend

Hosted by the Heart & Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick, the NAPA Hockey Heroes Weekend has become the most successful fundraising event in Atlantic Canada. In 2023, the event raised over $950,000, bringing the 11-year total to over $8 Million. Hitting the ice for the 12th year, NAPA Hockey Heroes Weekend takes place

 on May 31 - June 2, 2024  in Moncton.

NAPA Hockey Heroes Weekend offers participants a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play hockey with NHL and Olympic Alumni. Some of the greatest players to ever pick up a stick have shared the ice with our Hockey Heroes Weekend participants, including Eric Lindros, Jeremy Roenick, Marie-Philip Poulin, Guy LaFleur, Ray Bourque, Wendel Clark,  Paul Coffey, Mike Modano, Geraldine Heaney, and many more. Each year we promise an unforgettable line-up, and event – for participants, sponsors, and the community.

Funds raised by participants of NAPA Hockey Heroes Weekend support life-saving research and programs that address heart disease and stroke. More than 1 in 5 deaths in New Brunswick are a result of heart disease or stroke and your support means we can have a more tangible impact on the lives of New Brunswickers by fulfilling our mission to prevent disease, save lives, and promote recovery.

Register a team

An Unforgettable Weekend For a Great Cause!

Build a team with 16 friends and/or colleagues or join an existing team looking for players. Each team is required to raise a minimum of $16,000 to participate, or approximately $1,000 per person.

The top fundraising team has first choice of NHL Alumni players or former Olympians who will join their team for the tournament and weekend.

NAPA Hockey Heroes Weekend 2024

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2023 NAPA Hockey Heroes Weekend Event



7pm - NAPA Hockey Heroes Draft 

The draft will include NHL & Olympic Alumni, participants, sponsors and special guests for an exciting celebration that will set the tone for the whole weekend.  Each team will have already raised a minimum of $16,000.  The top fundraising team has first choice of NHL Alumni players, or former Olympians, who will join their team for the tournament and weekend.


8am to 6:30pm - NAPA Hockey Heroes Round Robin Games 

28 teams (24 mens' and 4 ladies') will be divided into divisions and play two games on Saturday in a round-robin format.  All day, non-stop play will take place on three ice surfaces.

9pm - Maritime Kitchen Party 

A live band will take to the stage to entertain our celebrities, participants and their guests.


7:45am to 1pm - NAPA Hockey Heroes Round Robin Games

All teams will take to the ice for their final game in the round-robin.

1pm - Shootout

All participants that have fundraised over $3,000 will take part in this shootout.

1:30pm to 2:30pm - Heart Heroes Game 

All NHL and Olympic Alumni take turns on the ice to play alongside our top individual fundraisers.

ALERT: NAPA Hockey Heroes Weekend Returns May 31-June 2, 2024. More details to come.
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